Fave Flickr Streams: Myra Wildmist

Hello my lovely virtual goddesses and gods! Today’s post features one of my favorite Second Life photographers, the beautiful Myra Wildmist. Her photos are not only inspiring, they are educational.

A Little Bit About Myra Wildmist

Myra is one of those rare gems of SL photography who will share her process with us, telling us how she captures her beautiful photos, or what effect she was going for. Myra also writes an SL Photography column for Windlight Magazine which has some great how-to tips for SL photographers and lovers of SL photography. Her articles on Depth of Field in particular have been really enlightening and useful!

On to Myra’s Photos!

Let’s start with this awesome skull face photo:

Deathly me
That photo generated some “ooh scary” comments, but personally I find it to be a beautiful work of art. It makes me think of Dia de Los Muertos, a day when we remember our loved ones who have passed and invite them to come visit us and share in food, libations and celebrations of the lives of the deceased. This particular holiday’s traditions include skeleton and skull decorations, figurines, cakes and candies, and skull makeup applied to faces. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the above photo. I love the color scheme as well, all dark and sepia tones, and the arrangement of her hair. Haunting it may be, but I call it hauntingly beautiful.

As to how she got the shot, Myra was not wearing a tattoo or makeup; she was using a light projector in-world with which she projected the image of the skull onto her face. Click the photo to read more about it in the caption on the photo’s Flickr page.

Below are more of Myra’s beautiful photos. Take note of the composition, the poses, the awesome use of light and shadow and focus, and how she expertly draws the viewer’s eyes to exactly where she wants them to go. Her photos are wonderfully sensual works that attract me like a moth to a flame. They are expressive, they make you feel. She does beautiful nudes as well, that are all art and beauty and class and no crass, and she’s inspired me to want to experiment with such photos too (someday when I may actually have the nerve to post them, lol). As always, click any  pic to see it on Flickr.

Ok Pretty, enough jabbering, show Myra’s lovely photos already…
Slinking past the window

Caught in the spray




I just couldn’t help but to end this post with a pic of Myra and me 🙂 She generously spent some time with me having fun taking photos, and sharing great photography tips. I have learned a lot from Myra in person and also from following her Flickr stream. I encourage you to go check it out for yourself!   Thanks Myra! 😘

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