He Should Have Listened - a story by Prettyflower Vale, inspired by Second Life photography

He Should Have Listened

He Should Have Listened

She had warned him that she would kill him.

He had only himself to blame.

They had trapped her, they took her from her trees, they put her in a metal cage.

What did they expect from her after such treatment?

They made the mistake of leaving only one to guard her overnight.

She told him to free her or she would rip his heart out and take his soul while she ate his heart.

He didn’t listen.

He should have listened.


This post was added to my blog to satisfy Blogging University‘s Blogging 101 Day 13: Try (Another) Blogging Event.

The event I’m participating in is Dark | Side | Thursday, hosted by Andy Townend. Andy is up to chapter 27 in his series, at the time of this post. Check out other submissions to the Dark Side Thursday event by clicking on the badge below.


Yah I know I’m posting it on a Monday instead of a Thursday, but hey, my work and life schedule doesn’t revolve around my blog schedule, lol.

I hope you enjoyed this little story, my virtual Goddesses and Gods! Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Andy’s story installments are 500 words each. My story is only 82 words. Does it still work?

11 thoughts on “He Should Have Listened

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